20 Acre Patented Mining Claim

Mining Claim report
Hi, this is 20 acre patented mining claim in Southern California a few miles east of 29 palms in the Pinto Mountains. This is the old Supply Mine one of the biggest producers of gold in the early 1900's. As we all know you can no longer patent claims. This mine has over 750 thousand tons of tailings on the ground with assays from .043 opt Gold and as high as 1 opt.
Extensive assays have been done by several independent parties. We're asking to sell outright make offer.With the price of Gold so High and probably will increase in the next few yeas now is the time.
The Bureau of mines did an extensive study on the whole area in the 1980's showing assays of all the mines in the area and confirm the assay of the Supply Mine. The mine has a lot of gold left in the vein but opening it up would take a lot of work, however with the dumps and current tailings it makes a great opportunity to work this for several years.
With the amount of tailings to work with, the estimate of tailings at the lowest assay of .043 this would be at least 70 million dollars at the price of 2000 dollars per ounce. The assays run a little higher at times but never below .043 the silver is also something to consider. This ore is readily leachable the gold is native not a sulphide. Using a Falcon continuous concentrator you could high grade the concentrate and ship directly to a smelter and work the rest with a thickener and process it. This property is out of the monument area and very close to 29 palms highway and Gold Crown Road it county maintained. The millsite well is fenced in and right at the Gold Crown road and 29 palms highway.
The dumps at the site also show a considerable amount of Gold left and was never treated at all. The tailings were cyanided but the ore was ground to 65 mesh and testing shows that it needs to be taken to 170 mesh to liberate all of the remaining gold. Also the assays show a considerable amount of silver left almost 1 opt in every assay.
We had bottle roll testing with cyanide and it is over 95% recovery at 170 mesh.
this means the only equipment needed is a ball mill and classifier to grind. No need for expensive crushing equipment to grind with. Further testing shows a falcon type continuos concentrator can make concentrate up to 8 opt. These tests were done by Falcon in Canada. Another leach ECO Gold leach it is non toxic and was tested on this ore with great results showing up 98% recovery. The leach in my tests show it is faster then cyanide. He has formulated a better solution that even works faster. You can contact him his information is below. He can confirm the test results.
John Guo (Ph D)
Right now is there no better time to invest in a gold mine. We're looking at a time when gold prices are high and the cost of equipment has never been better. A ball mill and classifier from China is less than 30 thousand dollars and the centrifugal is around 10 thousand dollars for a machine that will handle 7 tph. A small generator around 50kw will run a plant able to do 200 tpd. At the lowest assay at 1700 per ounce this is over 80 dollars a ton ore. We have had assays much higher but always tested positive for gold and silver. This should be easy to get venture capitol we did extensive testing to prove the values.
The Federal government has interest rates at historic lows. We are willing to look at a down payment or a joint venture agreement at the time. A one ton per day leach plant from Eco goldex is 40k and comes with assistance for set up
and training. A turnkey operation should be running in only a few months. With small dump trucks and a loader 200 tpd would be easy to bring to the facility. Opening up the area would invite other investors and mining to the area.
With the well already in place with plenty of water and a millsite and well fenced in it makes mining in the area possible. The mine is 2 wheel drive accesiable and the millsite has Edison power available. There is an existing pole line on 29 palms highway and a pole to the well site. A new 200 amp service and connection should cost around 1500.00
The contact information for the leach product is below.
Eco-Goldex Inc.
2665 Rue Paulus
St-Laurent, Quebec,
Canada, H4S 1E9
Tel: +1-438-825-5288
Email: john@eco-goldex.com
Website: www.eco-goldex.com
User forum: www.eco-friendly-gold-leaching.com
(approved for use in California) is a non toxic formula used in high ph similar to cyanide has the same results. This means you don't need expensive tanks or special leach precautions. With high ph regular metal tanks, agitators etc. will work, making this leach way better then other cyanide replacements. The leach attacks the precious metals first.
Cyanide bottle roll testing was also done by American Assay in Nevada.
With the mining claim comes 2 mill sites one a patented site and the other is registered with the BLM and the county of San Bernardino.
San Bernardino county is very mining friendly and welcomes anyone to the area.
This site has an 8" well with a new well pump. It is at the entrance from Gold Crown Road and 29 palms highway with existing Electric pole at the well to public utility. Only need an electric service installed to connect. The water table has plenty of water the well has over 20' of water table above the pump.
The mine is 6 miles from 29 palms highway up Gold Crown Road 2 wheel drive almost all of the way. Minor road work on the mine site would be 2 wheel drive.
This mine is easy access and with so much ore on the ground to work with it really is a very good opportunity to be productive and profitable right away. Looking at the map from the county assessor book 0592 page 13 for location.
map sbcounty.maps.arcgis.com for more information.
We also have a patented mill site with the property and there is a well on this site,
Everything is included with purchase of the mining property.
Full ore analysis conducted by American Assay in Sparks Nevada upon request.
Ore samples also available for your own testing.
This would be a great opportunity to install a small mill 200 tpd. at the highway and process this ore by concentration and leaching with the Eco Gold Leach process. At 200 tpd the minimum recovery would be 8 ounces per day gold, plus the silver and then scale it up from there. It would be a small number of employees to operate it. And with 29 palms and several other towns nearby including Palm Springs there is no shortage of labor real close by.
This mine can be worked year around there is no freezing out or seasons that make mining impossible.
With all of the problems around the world here is an opportunity to work in the USA.
This area has not been mined in over 50 years which means the area has not been touched and the water table has not been drained making mining a great opportunity right now. Gold prices are really high and there is no reason for it not to go higher.
https://www.google.com/maps/place/Gold+Crown+Rd,+California/@34.0613058,-115.7351379,16.25z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x80da9ea3409ab9fb:0xe7931b04891f345!8m2!3d34.0489419!4d-115.735267 From 29 palms Highway to Gold Crown Road going south on Gold crown road follow until road bends to Dooberman Road. Go up Dooberman road the first sign on Mining on the left is The Supply Mine and The tailings pile is at the center of the minesite. The road above goes to the mine shaft. It is not hard to find, Gold Crown Road takes a major bend toward the valley, if you go this way you went to far.
34.0686°N 115.7229°W GPS coordinates. https://thediggings.com/mines/11652/map